Friday, September 26, 2008

Steam Show Field Trip

Today was our first field trip of the year. We had a great time at the Prairieland Heritage Steam Show in Jacksonville. We rode a train, learned to drive a tractor, bounced around on a tractor driven ride, met young Abraham Lincoln, ate some great home-made ice cream, and shopped the endless flea market. WHAT A DAY!!!!

We made it back to school in time to see the North Greene Homecoming Parade. It was a great parade with fire trucks, the NGHS Band, class and organization floats, and our spectacular Spartan football team.

The class chose a name for our new tadpole. "Buddy" has grown a lot this week. He now has both sets of legs. Our next language arts unit features immigrants and their contribution to our culture. We are learning many new words in our vocabulary units and have really concentrated on new math skills. Next week is our book fair. Check the bubbleopes for more information.

Don't forget to attend the North Greene Homecoming football game at 7:00 tonight!!!

Old White Hall Elementary (Originally White Hall High School)

Old White Hall Elementary         (Originally White Hall High School)