Monday, October 27, 2008

Another Great Week at WHE !!!

We have had another great week at White Hall Elementary. Our Second Grade class put in a full week with our new reading series. The students are really moving forward in their grammar, vocabulary and reading skills.

Mrs. Winters has been teaching the class some new art skills as we learn about some famous artists who have influenced much of our culture. We have been talking about rescuing animals and read a story called "Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up." Our vocabulary unit has included words like rescue, mammal, veterinarian and others. We wrote a two paragraph story about taking care of a pet and many of the students wrote and drew some GREAT publications.

Our ants came this week and we have been excited to see their progress as they build tunnels and small colonies in our ant hill. Buddy the frog gets bigger everyday and he has been a source of attraction (or distraction) for many in the school.

We are going to talk about emergency workers in our next reading unit and celebrate Halloween at our party on Friday. A parade is scheduled for 10/27. We've been talking about some great costumes and look forward to seeing everyone Monday at the parade and fall fest.

Old White Hall Elementary (Originally White Hall High School)

Old White Hall Elementary         (Originally White Hall High School)