Friday, October 8, 2010


Cool weather has hit the North Greene area and the class is breaking out the sweaters and long sleeves. We have completed our first unit in our language arts curriculum and started a new unit with a book called the "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle. We also completed unit 2 in math and made many new discoveries with addition and subtraction. The class is beginning to correlate these skills and anticipate a new unit where we discover some new skills including shortcuts in our addition and subtraction along with measuring skills.

We had a shortened week due to our regional teacher's institute. This bi-annual institute is held at Jerseyville High School and includes teachers from Macoupin, Greene, Calhoun and Jersey counties. It promises to be an interesting day. Next week is also shortened as we celebrate Columbus Day on Monday. We did a few Columbus related activities on our Promethean board this week.

Our class will receive our "ActiVotes" next week. This will add another dimension to our Promethean Board and will allow us to get immediate feedback from our students as we introduce new topics and teach 2nd grade skills. It's my intention to keep every student engaged as we develop as second graders. Our team has put together a list of skills that each student will understand at the end of the year and we push hard to ensure success for each student. If you're around WHE, come and see me for a complete "goal" list for our students.

Old White Hall Elementary (Originally White Hall High School)

Old White Hall Elementary         (Originally White Hall High School)